Mysteries of Light
3- Dimensional Optical Illusion

It has been said that one Easter Sunday many years ago, a man, his wife and two children were riding motor bikes in South Africa. They came upon an old man collecting alms at the entrance of a large alcove in the side of a mountain. There were Christian symbols painted on the walls made of stone. Old tin roofs that had been used for cover were lying on the ground. The alcove appeared to be an old abandoned mission village. As the man was exploring the area, he saw an image depicting the head of the Lord Jesus Christ carved in the side of a rock. The image was about eight feet high and five feet wide.

He didn't realize what the carving would do until he left and turned back to gaze at it. He noticed the face on the carving seemed to turn and follow him. This intrigued the man and he spent many months trying to recapture the vision the rock portrayed. He made a mold with resin and added a light to cast the shadows. The first light recapturing the vision became a reality. Later the man came to America and told a friend about the mold of the lighted image. The second man knew another man who was going to South Africa and made arrangements for this man, upon his return, to bring the mold back to America.


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